Saturday, September 20, 2008


The last few days have been a test of my will, compassion and general philosophy. I typically prefer to be upbeat and positive about all things, yet I've been struggling lately and I don't like it.

While I strive to handle my own problems privately, I find that others are quite content to share theirs with me. Usually they are just wanting someone to listen to them without fear of repercussions or being gossiped about, though lately people have been asking for help/suggestions. That is where the problem lies - see while I may not agree with a solution someone has developed, it is still their decision to make and I will keep my mouth shut about it. Now they are asking for my opinion and that opens up a whole can of worms because if you ask my opinion on something, I won't lie to you. I will try to be tactful but I won't lie.

Oh I think I'll just become a hermit!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Good Grief!

It's been over a month since I posted last! Where did my time go, well let me tell you...... since 12/5 there has been Christmas, New Year's, birthdays for my husband, my daughter, my sister, my niece and my nephew. Fan Night at the Haygoods (met several of the mb'ers), the transmission went out of my vehicle and... oh yeah, I started a new job!!! Crazy fun times.

We always try to get the whole family together for the holidays. It's so much fun to see the kids (big and little) open their gifts, play card games and loving tease each other. And then there's the food.... luckily I only put on a couple of pounds and I'm working on losing them and then some.

I went to work for a temp agency that placed me at the hospital in the Business Office and I really like it there. They are doing some changes so I'm hoping they will have a full time job for me at the end of my contract. I've talked to a couple of people and they want to keep me.

In the mean time I'm going to enjoy my work. I get to work in various computer systems and a variety of insurance items, so while I may not be working with directly with the public I feel like I'm still helping people.

Going to end for now as the rest of the month should be tame enough to write a little bit each week.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Job Searching

So 'How goes the hunt" you might ask... well, it goes. I've called several places that unfortunately weren't hiring and then all of a sudden this week things have been appearing. The electric company is hiring as is the hospital. The new jail opens in Feb. and they are looking for help, a temp service I know of is interested in me. A new company similar to my old one is possibly opening and they had me come in an talk with their consultant ( the owners aren't sure if they want to open the company or not). Then the consultant turns around and asks if I might be interested in teaching some basic computer classes at her company. I explained I was not certified but the classes she offers is just 'personal' classes not college classes so she said it would not matter.

So while I've not gotten any 'true' job offers, things look promising.

Life on the home front has taken advantage of my time off. My son had an asthma attack on Sunday so I have spent several days/nights of breathing treatments every four hours but I think we are back down to just 2 treatments a day for about another 9 days - not bad! Today, my daughter overcame her fear of having mom pull her teeth - I pulled 2 out tonight (usually we have to have Uncle Ronnie pull them out).

Christmas shopping has been delayed until this weekend. My husband had the opportunity to work a 'double shift' on this paycheck - that was sure a blessing. I was able to turn in some of my kids' gently worn clothes and had enough credit to buy some 'new to them' items as well - some looked brand new!

So all in all - it's going well.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Same life, new chapter

Okay, so I worked for the same company for 15 years and last week the doors were shut with no warning and no pay for the previous 2 weeks. Shocked? Shouldn't even have to ask. Money going to be really tight, especially with the holidays here? Again, shouldn't have to ask. A lot of of full time work available in our area? Most of it is seasonal at the moment - meaning you are done come 12/30.

But here's the thing. With lots of 'possible' bad scenerios to fret about there are also lots of "GREAT' scenerios to be happy about. Has my husband been supportive of me during this time - DEFINATELY. Do I get to spend more time with my kids? YES Can I tell if they like that? YES Will we still have a great Christmas? OF COURSE! See it's not about what we don't have, it's about what we do have - in particular faith, hope and love

And yes, I am looking for a new job. I'm sure I'll find a company that can use my abilities and that I'll be happy with. I just have to enjoy the journey there.

If you take the time to read this, please also take time to pray for those I have worked with that aren't as fortunate as I have been - especially the owner of the company.
